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Optical Update – Bold new styles are coming to Accurate Vision Clinic

We have great news from our Optical Department! At Accurate Vision Clinic we’ve always prided ourselves in having the latest in fashion eyewear. This fall we are bringing in several fun and exciting new brands into the office to add to our already great selection of frames. We just received our shipment from France of the WOOW eyewear collection, come check them out!

WOOW Eyewear

Between traditional and casual, chic and off-beat with a ‘trendy London’ feel WOOW style will speak to all women and men with a sense of humor. Anti-crisis eyewear! The little message inserted in the end tip of the frame will make the wearer smile first thing in the morning… Better than a coach!

Drift Eyewear

Driven to achieve a unique aesthetic and feeling, and inspired by uncommon and overlooked materials, we innovate out of necessity. These forces in our lives –this amalgamation of creativity, science, history, design, innovation, structure, and simplicity all converge into something tangible. They converge into a story. All we’re trying to do is tell it.


Bobbi Brown Eyewear

Bobbi Brown is the first beauty expert with a signature line of eyewear. Her goal in designing her eyewear collection is to teach women how to select frames that enhance their natural beauty and complement their skin tones and personal style. Today, with a cosmetics presence in more than 1000 doors in 60 countries and 30 free-standing stores, Bobbi Brown remains one of the world’s most celebrated beauty experts.


Jimmy Choo

The Iconic Jimmy Choo luxury brand is defined by an empowered sense of glamour and a confident sense of style – a magnetic vibe that punctuates sexy creations from shoes and handbags to sunglasses and fragrance.