Text us at 907-272-9800 to schedule an appointment or ask us a question!

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COVID 19 Update – 10/25/2022

UPDATED 10/25/2022

As of October 2022 we have updated our office policy on masks. We value the health and safety of all of our patients. All staff and doctors at Accurate Vision Clinic will continue to wear masks when having direct patient care.

For patients, masks are recommended, but not required. If you choose to wear a mask, we will gladly provide one for you or feel free to bring your own. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding.



UPDATED 03/15/2022

These are our current current policies at our office regarding COVID-19.

Face Masks – We continue to require patients to wear face masks. Currently, the CDC recommends the wearing of face masks in medical offices. Due to the close proximity that our technicians, opticians, and doctors have in order to perform testing and evaluations during an exam, it is not possible to adequately physically distance. So for your protection and ours, please wear a mask.

Social Distancing – Please practice social distancing while in the office to maintain 6 feet separation from others. There will be times during the screening, exam, and optical where this is not practical. We will do these tasks as quickly as possible to minimize close contact.

One exam, One patient – We ask that you come to your appointment unaccompanied unless it is necessary to have a parent or guardian.


UPDATED 4/28/2020 – 230PM

We are planning reopen our office for routine eye care Monday May 4th, 2020. The state has relaxed their health mandates to allow more medical offices to be able to see patients. Along with that, the state, CDC, and American Optometric Association has given guidance as to how to best keep patients and staff as safe as possible. We are using this week to put in those preventative measures and protocols in the office.

Here is a short summary of the steps we will be taking to ensure your safety while in the office.

Park & Text – Rather than waiting in the office, we are asking that you wait in your car. When you arrive, please send us a text at 907-272-9800 to let us know you are here. When the technician is ready for you, they will send you a text to proceed into the office.

Face Masks – All staff will be wearing face masks, we ask that all patients do the same.

Social Distancing – Please practice social distancing while in the office to maintain 6 feet separation from others. There will be times during the screening, exam, and optical where this is not practical. We will do these tasks as quickly as possible to minimize close contact.

One exam, One patient – We ask that you come to your appointment unaccompanied unless it is necessary to have a parent or guardian.

We will do our best to continue to stay up to date on all the current recommendations and guidelines to safely provide our patient’s care. As we have all experienced, this is a fluid situation and things can change quickly. Please refer to our website or Facebook for current updates. Additionally, we have updated our patient communication software so that you can now contact us by text message. Please feel free to send us a text with any questions you have, including appointment requests.

We hope to see you soon!




4/9/2020 1100AM

Due to the continuing fight against COVID 19, Governor Dunleavy released an updated Health Mandate 5.1 which defers routine eyecare until after June 15th 2020. We hope as the situation evolves that we will be able to do routine exams prior to that date, but will abide by the State’s recommendation at this time.

We are still available, although on a limited basis, during the hours listed below. Also, Dr. Crawford’s phone number is on our phone recording if you need emergency assistance after hours.

Take Care,



OFFICE HOURS starting 3/30/2020

Monday 10-4

Tuesday 10-4

Wednesday 10-4

Thursday 10-4



3/19/2020 300pm – To our patients, family, and friends, as of Tuesday evening, March 17th, the CDC has recommended that all routine eye care be deferred until further notice, in order to slow the transmission of COVID-19 through our community. We are listening to the experts. Clink for link

What does this mean?
1) If you are currently scheduled for an annual eye exam, a dry eye or contact lens follow up, we will reschedule you.
2) If you need to replace your GLASSES or CONTACTS and need an extension on your prescription, please CONTACT US and we will assist you in obtaining some until you can come in for a visit.
3) If you are RUNNING OUT of ocular vitamins, dry eye drops, dry eye supplements, eyelid cleansing spray, or need a new heating mask, please contact us and we will gladly send you a care package.
4) If you are running out of a medication for glaucoma or infection please contact us and we can transmit a refill electronically to your pharmacy.
5) If you have an OCULAR EMERGENCY or an issue which CANNOT WAIT for an office visit starting mid April, contact us and we will schedule a time to see you.
6) During this period of social distancing and quarantine, WE MUST ALL DO OUR PART by restricting activities outside the home except for getting medical care.

Please remember that 80% of COVID-19 cases are mild and resolve within a week. However, if you feel your symptoms are worsening, call ahead before visiting your doctor’s office or emergency department and tell them you have or may have COVID-19. This will help the office protect themselves and other patients.

In our effort to do our part in social distancing, we have:
– shortened our office hours from 10am – 4pm and will see emergent cases only. No routine exams.
– assigned 1 team member per day to assist with addressing our patients needs
This will stay in effect until further notice.  It is in order to protect them, our patients, our city, our nation. Despite the financial and emotional hardships this will cause, we ask every one of you to do the same.

We will do our part.

With sincerest wishes for your health and well being, and thank you for your loyalty to our practice, please call if you need us,

Dr. Crawford and the AVC team


3/19/2020 600am

Dear AVC family,

We wanted to update you on the changes that are taking place at Accurate Vision Clinic due to emerging information regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. Tuesday evening, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released recommendations to preserve staff and patient safety for healthcare providers. You can read the statement here.

To do our part in limiting the spread of the Coronavirus, we are going to abide by these recommendations and cease any “routine/annual eye exams” until April 1st. This is an evolving situation, thus we will resume routine care when we are directed it is safe to do so. If you have an exam scheduled during this time, we will reschedule you as soon as possible.

Starting Monday 3/23/20, the office will be open with reduced hours (10am – 4pm) and staffing. To best follow social distancing guidelines, we request that visits to the office be limited unless absolutely necessary. However, we will be available during office hours for urgent care visits. Please call the office if you are having any urgent problems with your eyes or vision that may require attention.

Thank you for your understanding during this challenging time.

Take care and wash your hands,

Dr. Crawford and the AVC staff

3/18/2020  200pm

We will be open with reduced hours starting Monday 3/23/2020 until further notice. The office will be open from 10am to 4pm, we will only be seeing urgent eye care patients. Please call the office if you have any urgent problems with your eyes or vision.

3/18/2020 855am

Starting on 3/19/2020 per the CDC and American Optometric Association recommendations we will not be seeing any patients for “routine eye exams.” We will reschedule all exams, however, that date is yet to be determined. Please call the office so that we can answer any questions.


Accurate Vision Clinic is taking precautions to protect our clients and prevent the spread of COVID-19. You can continue to feel safe in our care and at our facility.

1) If you have recently traveled outside of Alaska in the past 14 days, we ask that you call ahead of your appointment to tell us so we can discuss the best course of action for you.

2) If you are interested in delaying your visits, please contact the office so we can advise you on the best plan for your individual circumstances.

3) We are requesting clients attend their appointment alone, without visitors or partners, to better comply with social distancing guidelines. Please call the clinic or reply to our appointment reminder texts if you want to reschedule.

Thank you all for your understanding as we navigate this evolving situation. Check back for more updates. Thanks, AVC