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  • The Truth About Senate Bill 55

    The truth is that Senate Bill 55 is a bill that would allow Optometrists to govern their own profession. Similar to other medical professionals such as nurse practitioners, dentists, and medical doctors. The bill does NOT provide Optometrists with the authority to perform surgery. Unfortunately, the Ophthalmologist Society would like you to believe differently and […]

    Continue Reading February 22, 2016

  • With each new Spring comes change…

    Dear Patients, It is with a bittersweet heart that I share with you the news that after 29 years I have decided to retire from the full-time practice of optometry and have sold Accurate Vision Clinic to Dr. Benjamin Crawford. After opening Accurate Vision Clinic in 1990 and watching it grow over the years this […]

    Continue Reading April 7, 2014

  • Welcome to the New Accurate Vision Clinic Website!

    We’re proud to announce the launch of our brand new website. The site was designed with you in mind and is chock-full of several useful features. It’s now easier than ever to make an appointment, download patient forms, view current specials and promotions, and learn about the many products and services we offer at our […]

    Continue Reading October 16, 2013